En la madrugada del 27 de junio de 2019, se produjo una macro-operación policial en Cataluña. En la misma hubo un gran despliegue de efectivos y de medios. Los mossos de cuadra, policía reconocida ya como la Gestapo de Cataluña al servicio del proceso separatista. realizó 7 detenciones. Por la cantidad desmesurada de medios y la nocturnidad en la que se produjo, la operación tenía la apariencia de ser con una acción contra una una peligrosa célula terrorista o la cúpula de algún poderoso clan de narcotraficantes. También por el tiempo y el dinero publico gastado, en crear el informe que dio cobertura jurídica a la operación, más de mil folios, se podría pensar que producirían cientos de detenciones; pero nada de esto pasó. La operación se saldó con la detención de, como he dicho, con la detención de siete ciudadanos, que ni siquiera habían delinquido.
Por lo visto para algunos, los detenidos representaban una gran amenaza social, ya que habían tenido la osadía de limpiar las calles de propaganda separatista y depositarla en la puerta de sus legítimos dueños; acompañada de un bonito y reluciente inodoro. Por suerte, gracias a nuestro sistema judicial, y al cual deberían estar agradecidos muchos esparcidores de basura amarilla y golpistas, los detenidos fueron puestos en libertad a las 72 horas. De haberse puesto a disposición judicial antes, los detenidos hubiesen salido inmediatamente, pero la gestapo, por ordenes que, seguramente, salieron de bien arriba, agotaron el plazo de permanencia en prisión. La utilización del la aplicación del plazo máximo, algo que ni siquiera se aplica a los carteristas, merece especial mención, ya que demuestra que se quería dar un mensaje claro de advertencia a navegantes; UNA FORMA DE AMEDRENTAR A DISIDENTES DEL LLAMADO PROCESO.
Resulta chocante, cuando no irritante, que mientras la delincuencia en Cataluña, especialmente las calles de Barcelona, no para de crecer, la policía, pagada con los impuestos de todos, se dedique a protagonizar detenciones políticas que vulneran derechos constitucionales; gastando recursos y dinero de todos. Estas cuatro víctimas de lo que parece una represión fascista catalana, eran simplemente cuatro personas, que velando por la neutralidad de los espacios públicos, retiraban propaganda separatista. A estas personas, en vez de detenerlas, deberían darles una medalla por hacer la tarea de los servicios públicos; que lejos de realizar el trabajo para el que se les paga, se dedican ha perseguir a los que lo hacen por ellos.
Este echo demuestra con claridad meridiana, hasta que punto se está llegando en Cataluña y quienes son los responsables de rompen la convivencia en la región. En cualquier país serio, tan acción habría acabado con la suspensión inmediata del ordenante de esta operación. Pero claro, seguramente al energúmeno fascista que ordenó esto, lo tendríamos que buscar en un despacho muy grande. Porque este engendro o ser, con forma antropomórfica, pero que tiene más de fascista que de persona, se escuda bajo su cargo; cargado de rabia y de resentimiento. Este desecho con forma humana, se nos muestra como un salvapatrias y una víctima del sistema, pero en realidad es un animal con sentimientos más propios de bestias que de humanos, un gordo seboso muy bien alimentado por un sueldo que un obrero jamás imaginaría ni en sus mejores sueños y que cobra de un sistema que desprecia. Este tipo, y igual que sus palmeros, echan pestes de la democracia española, olvidando que si existe el cargo que ostentan y por el que cobran es porque existe un sistema democráticos en España, que aunque imperfecto les permite estar allí a pesar de ser contrario al mismo.
Utilizar la policía para hacer detenciones políticas es un acto propio de países bajo una dictadura, y no es precisamente la policía nacional quien las hace, sino su policía. En verdad nos están diciendo que tipo de republiqueta quieren. Porque este acto pone bien de manifiesto, que Cataluña bajo su mando, sería una dictadura donde solo cabrían los suyos, una masa aborregada, sectaria y fanatizada, intentando subyugar a la mayoría, utilizado todo el poder que le dan sus instituciones, en una clara actitud fascista.
Por lo visto para algunos, los detenidos representaban una gran amenaza social, ya que habían tenido la osadía de limpiar las calles de propaganda separatista y depositarla en la puerta de sus legítimos dueños; acompañada de un bonito y reluciente inodoro. Por suerte, gracias a nuestro sistema judicial, y al cual deberían estar agradecidos muchos esparcidores de basura amarilla y golpistas, los detenidos fueron puestos en libertad a las 72 horas. De haberse puesto a disposición judicial antes, los detenidos hubiesen salido inmediatamente, pero la gestapo, por ordenes que, seguramente, salieron de bien arriba, agotaron el plazo de permanencia en prisión. La utilización del la aplicación del plazo máximo, algo que ni siquiera se aplica a los carteristas, merece especial mención, ya que demuestra que se quería dar un mensaje claro de advertencia a navegantes; UNA FORMA DE AMEDRENTAR A DISIDENTES DEL LLAMADO PROCESO.
Resulta chocante, cuando no irritante, que mientras la delincuencia en Cataluña, especialmente las calles de Barcelona, no para de crecer, la policía, pagada con los impuestos de todos, se dedique a protagonizar detenciones políticas que vulneran derechos constitucionales; gastando recursos y dinero de todos. Estas cuatro víctimas de lo que parece una represión fascista catalana, eran simplemente cuatro personas, que velando por la neutralidad de los espacios públicos, retiraban propaganda separatista. A estas personas, en vez de detenerlas, deberían darles una medalla por hacer la tarea de los servicios públicos; que lejos de realizar el trabajo para el que se les paga, se dedican ha perseguir a los que lo hacen por ellos.
Este echo demuestra con claridad meridiana, hasta que punto se está llegando en Cataluña y quienes son los responsables de rompen la convivencia en la región. En cualquier país serio, tan acción habría acabado con la suspensión inmediata del ordenante de esta operación. Pero claro, seguramente al energúmeno fascista que ordenó esto, lo tendríamos que buscar en un despacho muy grande. Porque este engendro o ser, con forma antropomórfica, pero que tiene más de fascista que de persona, se escuda bajo su cargo; cargado de rabia y de resentimiento. Este desecho con forma humana, se nos muestra como un salvapatrias y una víctima del sistema, pero en realidad es un animal con sentimientos más propios de bestias que de humanos, un gordo seboso muy bien alimentado por un sueldo que un obrero jamás imaginaría ni en sus mejores sueños y que cobra de un sistema que desprecia. Este tipo, y igual que sus palmeros, echan pestes de la democracia española, olvidando que si existe el cargo que ostentan y por el que cobran es porque existe un sistema democráticos en España, que aunque imperfecto les permite estar allí a pesar de ser contrario al mismo.
Utilizar la policía para hacer detenciones políticas es un acto propio de países bajo una dictadura, y no es precisamente la policía nacional quien las hace, sino su policía. En verdad nos están diciendo que tipo de republiqueta quieren. Porque este acto pone bien de manifiesto, que Cataluña bajo su mando, sería una dictadura donde solo cabrían los suyos, una masa aborregada, sectaria y fanatizada, intentando subyugar a la mayoría, utilizado todo el poder que le dan sus instituciones, en una clara actitud fascista.
Los niveles de presión social ejercida por los nacionalistas en Cataluña, solo puede compararse con la presión social ejercida por los nazis a los judíos durante los primeros tiempos del mandato de Hitler. Lo peor es que esto se consiente dentro de una democracia y dentro de un país perteneciente a la Unión Europea. Desgraciadamente, si hay una cosa que saben hacer muy bien los nacionalistas catalanes, es aparentar ser las víctimas. Pero dados los recientes acontecimientos, espero que quede clara cual es su verdadera posición dentro de este juego macabro. Un juego, que vista la gravedad de los acontecimientos, puede acabar muy mal.
Si ya es bastante dura la vida, soportando un sistema destinado a esclavizarnos, donde los derechos sociales merman constantemente y donde las crisis acaban con las libertades, solo faltaban los fascistas para acabar de llenar el vaso. A ver si la ciudadanía explota de una vez contra estos políticos generadores de odio y enfrentamiento, poniéndolos en el sitio que se merecen.
En referencia a los malnacidor que protagonizaron el golpe de estado, Salvador Sostres escribión con maestría.
At dawn on June 27, 2019, there was a police macro-operation in Catalonia. In the same there was a great deployment of troops and means. The mossos, police already recognized as the Gestapo of Catalonia at the service of the separatist process. He made 7 arrests. Because of the disproportionate amount of media and the nightlife in which it occurred, the operation had the appearance of being with an action against a dangerous terrorist cell or the leadership of some powerful clan of drug traffickers. Also for the time and public money spent, in creating the report that gave legal coverage to the operation, more than a thousand folios, one would think that they would produce hundreds of arrests; but none of this happened. The operation resulted in the detention of, as I have said, the arrest of seven citizens, who had not even committed a crime.
Apparently for some, the detainees represented a great social threat, since they had the audacity to clean the streets of separatist propaganda and deposit it at the door of their legitimate owners; accompanied by a nice and shiny toilet. Luckily, thanks to our judicial system, and to which many spreaders of yellow garbage and coupsters should be grateful, the detainees were released at 72 hours. If they had been brought before the courts, the detainees would have left immediately, but the gestapo, by orders that, surely, went well above, exhausted the term of stay in prison. The use of the application of the maximum term, something that does not even apply to pickpockets, deserves special mention, since it shows that they wanted to give a clear warning message to navigators; A WAY OF AMENDING DISSIDENTS OF THE CALLED PROCESS.
It is shocking, if not irritating, that while crime in Catalonia, especially the streets of Barcelona, does not stop growing, the police, paid with the taxes of all, engage in political arrests that violate constitutional rights; spending resources and money of all. These four victims of what looks like a Catalan fascist repression, were simply four people, who, watching over the neutrality of public spaces, withdrew separatist propaganda. These people, instead of stopping them, should give them a medal for doing the task of public services; that far from doing the work for which they are paid, they dedicate themselves to persecuting those who do it for them.
This echo shows with crystal clear clarity, to what extent it is arriving in Catalonia and who are responsible for breaking the coexistence in the region. In any serious country, such action would have ended the immediate suspension of the payer of this operation. But of course, surely the fascist nerd who ordered this, we would have to look for it in a very large office. Because this monster or being, with anthropomorphic form, but that has more of fascist than of person, shields itself under its charge; full of anger and resentment. This waste with human form, we are shown as a salvapatrias and a victim of the system, but in reality it is an animal with feelings more beasts than humans, a fat sebace very well fed by a salary that a worker would never imagine even in his best dreams and that he charges from a system he despises. This type, and like their clappers, plagues of Spanish democracy, forgetting that if there is the position they hold and why they charge is because there is a democratic system in Spain, although imperfect allows them to be there despite being contrary the same.
Using the police to make political arrests is an act proper to countries under a dictatorship, and it is not the national police that makes them, but their police. They're really telling us what kind of republic they want. Because this act makes it clear, that Catalonia under his command, would be a dictatorship where only fit his own, a massed, sectarian and fanatical mass, trying to subjugate the majority, using all the power that their institutions give, in a clear fascist attitude.
The levels of social pressure exerted by the nationalists in Catalonia can only be compared to the social pressure exerted by the Nazis on the Jews during the first years of Hitler's term. The worst thing is that this is allowed within a democracy and within a country belonging to the European Union. Unfortunately, if there is one thing that Catalan nationalists know how to do, it is pretending to be the victims. But given the recent events, I hope it is clear what is your true position in this macabre game. A game, that sees the gravity of the events, can finish very badly.
If life is already hard enough, supporting a system destined to enslave us, where social rights constantly diminish
Salvador Sostres
“And now you will say that you did nothing, that it was about democracy, that it was about freedom. Now you will say that it was symbolic, the formulation of a wish, the letters on the table to negotiate. I know what you will say because I have known you since I was born and you are cowards and irresponsible people, and you have been trying to hide your frustrations playing the hero without paying the price.
But I was one of the violated and I have to remember forever. I have never been so afraid or felt so pointed. You went for us knowing that it was illegal, knowing that you were running over us and justifying it with your supremacist arguments, because you always knew you were a minority and that didn't matter to you. You went for us without any empathy, without any compassion, without any mercy. We warn you, the Government warned you, Justice warned you and in your arrogance of 'pet i botifarra' you sharpened the knives and if in the end the blood did not reach the river it is not true that it was for the repressive action of Spain, not for the arrival of any army, but because your cowardice is so vulgar, and so dishonorable, that it did not allow you to live up to your own chulería.
You assaulted us, you refused us, you showed us all the contempt of your villager totalitarianism, deeply uncultured, and no noble feeling, no prudence, no redeeming goodness stopped you; only the deception, the mediocre scam of your leaders who once again cheated you and you are so stupid that you still vote for them when you would have to be the first outraged. You call yourself políticos political prisoners ’when during the months of September and October 2017 you took hostage policy and treated liberty like a girl. I don't know when you will get out of jail but you can never look us in the face again. You are both the shame of Civilization and the scorn of the epic of the people who want to be free.
Now you will say that it was symbolic, that it did not matter, but I will be waiting for you with the crystals that you broke, with the flowers that you trampled, with the anguish and fear that you made us pass. If you didn't finish wiping out it wasn't because our lives mattered to you; but because you are so foolish, and so mean, that you don't know how to do good or evil. ”
Si ya es bastante dura la vida, soportando un sistema destinado a esclavizarnos, donde los derechos sociales merman constantemente y donde las crisis acaban con las libertades, solo faltaban los fascistas para acabar de llenar el vaso. A ver si la ciudadanía explota de una vez contra estos políticos generadores de odio y enfrentamiento, poniéndolos en el sitio que se merecen.
En referencia a los malnacidor que protagonizaron el golpe de estado, Salvador Sostres escribión con maestría.
“Y ahora diréis que no hicisteis nada, que iba de democracia,
que iba de libertad. Ahora diréis que fue simbólico, la formulación de
un deseo, las cartas sobre la mesa para negociar. Yo sé lo que diréis
porque os conozco desde que nací y sois unos cobardes y unos irresponsables, y lleváis toda la vida intentando disimular vuestras frustraciones jugando a hacer el héroe sin pagar el precio.
Pero yo fui uno de los violentados y para siempre he de acordarme. Jamás he pasado tanto miedo ni me he sentido tan señalado. Fuisteis a por nosotros sabiendo que era ilegal,
sabiendo que nos estabais atropellando y justificándolo con vuestros
argumentos supremacistas, porque siempre supisteis que erais minoría y
también eso os dio igual. Fuisteis a por nosotros sin ninguna empatía,
sin ninguna compasión, sin ninguna piedad. Os advertimos nosotros, os
advirtió el Gobierno, os advirtió la Justicia y en vuestra arrogancia de
macarra de ‘pet i botifarra’ afilasteis las navajas y si al final la
sangre no llegó al río no es verdad que fuera por la acción represora de
España, ni por la llegada de ningún ejército, sino porque vuestra cobardía es tan vulgar, y tan deshonrosa, que no os permitió ni estar a la altura de vuestra propia chulería.
Nos asaltasteis, nos ninguneasteis, nos mostrasteis todo el desprecio de vuestro totalitarismo aldeano,
profundamente inculto, y no os detuvo ningún sentimiento noble, ninguna
prudencia, ninguna bondad redentora; solo el engaño, la mediocre estafa
de vuestros líderes que una vez más os estafaron y vosotros sois tan lerdos que todavía les votáis
cuando tendríais que ser los primeros indignados. Os hacéis llamar
‘presos políticos’ cuando durante los meses de septiembre y octubre de
2017 tomasteis a la política de rehén y tratasteis a la libertad como a una fulana. No sé cuándo saldréis de la cárcel pero nunca más podréis mirarnos a la cara. Sois a la vez la vergüenza de la Civilización y el escarnio de la épica de los pueblos que quieren ser libres.
Ahora diréis que fue simbólico,
que no tuvo ninguna importancia, pero yo os estaré esperando con los
cristales que rompisteis, con las flores que pisoteasteis, con la
angustia y el miedo que nos hicisteis pasar. Si no acabasteis de arrasar
no fue porque nuestras vidas os importaran; sino porque sois tan
necios, y tan mezquinos, que no sabéis hacer el bien ni el mal”.
At dawn on June 27, 2019, there was a police macro-operation in Catalonia. In the same there was a great deployment of troops and means. The mossos, police already recognized as the Gestapo of Catalonia at the service of the separatist process. He made 7 arrests. Because of the disproportionate amount of media and the nightlife in which it occurred, the operation had the appearance of being with an action against a dangerous terrorist cell or the leadership of some powerful clan of drug traffickers. Also for the time and public money spent, in creating the report that gave legal coverage to the operation, more than a thousand folios, one would think that they would produce hundreds of arrests; but none of this happened. The operation resulted in the detention of, as I have said, the arrest of seven citizens, who had not even committed a crime.
Apparently for some, the detainees represented a great social threat, since they had the audacity to clean the streets of separatist propaganda and deposit it at the door of their legitimate owners; accompanied by a nice and shiny toilet. Luckily, thanks to our judicial system, and to which many spreaders of yellow garbage and coupsters should be grateful, the detainees were released at 72 hours. If they had been brought before the courts, the detainees would have left immediately, but the gestapo, by orders that, surely, went well above, exhausted the term of stay in prison. The use of the application of the maximum term, something that does not even apply to pickpockets, deserves special mention, since it shows that they wanted to give a clear warning message to navigators; A WAY OF AMENDING DISSIDENTS OF THE CALLED PROCESS.
It is shocking, if not irritating, that while crime in Catalonia, especially the streets of Barcelona, does not stop growing, the police, paid with the taxes of all, engage in political arrests that violate constitutional rights; spending resources and money of all. These four victims of what looks like a Catalan fascist repression, were simply four people, who, watching over the neutrality of public spaces, withdrew separatist propaganda. These people, instead of stopping them, should give them a medal for doing the task of public services; that far from doing the work for which they are paid, they dedicate themselves to persecuting those who do it for them.
This echo shows with crystal clear clarity, to what extent it is arriving in Catalonia and who are responsible for breaking the coexistence in the region. In any serious country, such action would have ended the immediate suspension of the payer of this operation. But of course, surely the fascist nerd who ordered this, we would have to look for it in a very large office. Because this monster or being, with anthropomorphic form, but that has more of fascist than of person, shields itself under its charge; full of anger and resentment. This waste with human form, we are shown as a salvapatrias and a victim of the system, but in reality it is an animal with feelings more beasts than humans, a fat sebace very well fed by a salary that a worker would never imagine even in his best dreams and that he charges from a system he despises. This type, and like their clappers, plagues of Spanish democracy, forgetting that if there is the position they hold and why they charge is because there is a democratic system in Spain, although imperfect allows them to be there despite being contrary the same.
Using the police to make political arrests is an act proper to countries under a dictatorship, and it is not the national police that makes them, but their police. They're really telling us what kind of republic they want. Because this act makes it clear, that Catalonia under his command, would be a dictatorship where only fit his own, a massed, sectarian and fanatical mass, trying to subjugate the majority, using all the power that their institutions give, in a clear fascist attitude.
The levels of social pressure exerted by the nationalists in Catalonia can only be compared to the social pressure exerted by the Nazis on the Jews during the first years of Hitler's term. The worst thing is that this is allowed within a democracy and within a country belonging to the European Union. Unfortunately, if there is one thing that Catalan nationalists know how to do, it is pretending to be the victims. But given the recent events, I hope it is clear what is your true position in this macabre game. A game, that sees the gravity of the events, can finish very badly.
If life is already hard enough, supporting a system destined to enslave us, where social rights constantly diminish
Salvador Sostres
“And now you will say that you did nothing, that it was about democracy, that it was about freedom. Now you will say that it was symbolic, the formulation of a wish, the letters on the table to negotiate. I know what you will say because I have known you since I was born and you are cowards and irresponsible people, and you have been trying to hide your frustrations playing the hero without paying the price.
But I was one of the violated and I have to remember forever. I have never been so afraid or felt so pointed. You went for us knowing that it was illegal, knowing that you were running over us and justifying it with your supremacist arguments, because you always knew you were a minority and that didn't matter to you. You went for us without any empathy, without any compassion, without any mercy. We warn you, the Government warned you, Justice warned you and in your arrogance of 'pet i botifarra' you sharpened the knives and if in the end the blood did not reach the river it is not true that it was for the repressive action of Spain, not for the arrival of any army, but because your cowardice is so vulgar, and so dishonorable, that it did not allow you to live up to your own chulería.
You assaulted us, you refused us, you showed us all the contempt of your villager totalitarianism, deeply uncultured, and no noble feeling, no prudence, no redeeming goodness stopped you; only the deception, the mediocre scam of your leaders who once again cheated you and you are so stupid that you still vote for them when you would have to be the first outraged. You call yourself políticos political prisoners ’when during the months of September and October 2017 you took hostage policy and treated liberty like a girl. I don't know when you will get out of jail but you can never look us in the face again. You are both the shame of Civilization and the scorn of the epic of the people who want to be free.
Now you will say that it was symbolic, that it did not matter, but I will be waiting for you with the crystals that you broke, with the flowers that you trampled, with the anguish and fear that you made us pass. If you didn't finish wiping out it wasn't because our lives mattered to you; but because you are so foolish, and so mean, that you don't know how to do good or evil. ”
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